
martes, 20 de junio de 2017

TITLE: My apraisal of the English class

I think that the English class has a good athmosphere to learn and I think that the proffesor has to face to a really hard situation and that is give nine units in 8 months just having 3 hours in a week so fo this I believe that the class is as good as it can be. Also it is a good idea to use new technologies for the class but sometimes it become really heavy because you must turn on the computer, open the blogger app and write all, it wil be easier if we just write it in our notebooks or something else, but still i preffer this because it is something fifferent and its boring to do always same things, so, my final conclusion is that the English class and English teacher are doing well his part of the work.

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

TASK #13 TITLE: Unit test 7 Speaking task

An ethical shopper can reduce his carbon footprint with a lot of little changes in his daily rutine, like stop using plastic bottles, or don´t buy another mobile phone while yours still works, because to create a plastic bottle you need a lot of recources more than a glass bottle and for create a mobile phone you need coltan which is a mineral who can only be find in mines from Africa in exploid situation. This tips are really easy to do, so I think everyone can do them, with everyone I include myself. But, these aren´t the only form to reduce your carbon footprint, you can also do something as simple as turn off the lights that anuone is using